The Spirit of the Game

Golf is a game for ladies and gentlemen.

The game relies on your integrity and self-discipline. The spirit of the game is respect, courtesy and honesty.

Respect for etiquette is necessary to ensure that the game of golf can be played for maximum enjoyment.

Section I of the Rules of Golf published by the Royal and Ancient deals with the question of Etiquette. These Rules must be respected:


General etiquette

The etiquette of golf is a set of simple rules informing beginners and experienced players of the behaviour that will ensure the enjoyment of all on the course. You should show consideration to your playing partners at all times. Try to keep the word etiquette in mind at all times on the course and in the Clubhouse.

Respect the Club’s dress code.

Check the state of your golf shoes and ensure that they do not have metal spikes. Spikes are no longer permitted as they cause damage to the course, in particular the greens. Please report to the starter or to the Clubhouse before going to the first tee.

Keep your temper under control and in no circumstances hit the ground with your club head.

Any criticisms, recommendations or suggestions that players may have concerning the course should be communicated to the Director or Head Greenkeeper and not to the greenstaff.

It is strictly prohibited to use the course as a training ground. The greens, in particular, are not practice putting or pitching areas.

If any playing member of the Club has witnessed a serious breach of etiquette by another member, they should report it to the Secretariat, which will bring the matter to the attention of the relevant committee, which alone has the power to impose penalties.


When you take a practice swing or play a shot, ensure that no one is in a position to be hit by the club, either in front or behind you.

Do not play until the players in front are out of range.

Shout ‘Fore’ if there is the slightest risk of hitting someone. Remember that you cannot always see other players, so if you slice your ball onto another fairway, shout a warning.

In the event of thunder and lightning, take shelter, the Rules of Golf allow for this eventuality.

Pace of play

Slow play affects all the players in your flight and in the groups behind you. Keep up a pace that does not inconvenience others. If you are too slow here are some tips on how to speed up:

Avoid taking several practice swings, one or two are enough.

Be ready to play as soon as it is your turn.

Walk up to your ball, as far as it is safe to do so.

If you need to determine the distance from your ball to the hole, do so while walking.

When you get to the green, leave your bag in a position where you will leave the green to go towards the next tee.

Study the line of your putt at the same time as your playing partners without disturbing those who are about to putt.

When the hole has been completed, leave the green immediately.

Mark the score at the start of the next hole, not at the edge of the putting green.

If your ball may be lost or out of bounds, play a provisional ball to avoid having to go back to where you have played from if you do not find it.

If a player is looking for their ball, help them to save time. If you are taking too long, call the group behind through.


Consideration for other players

Do not disturb the play of others by moving, talking or gesticulating.

On the tee, do not play out of turn.

Do not stand too close to another player while they are playing a shot, or too close to the hole when they are putting.

Remain on or close to the putting green until all the players have holed out.

If you are marking another player’s card, mark the score after EACH hole and check the score with the player. Remember that as marker you have the final say in the event of a dispute as to the score on any hole.

Do not take any electronic devices onto the course that might distract other players.

Switch off your mobile phone.


On the first tee

Pay attention to any instructions given by the starter.

Be on the tee five minutes before your starting time.

If you do not know your playing partners, introduce yourself and shake hands.

Wish your playing partners a good game before starting to play.

Announce the make and number of the ball you are playing. Do this whenever you take a new ball or play a provisional ball.

Tee off from the correct markers.


On the tee

Avoid taking divots on the tee, in particular by not taking a practice swing. Practice swings should be taken to the side of the teeing ground.

On the fairway and in the rough

If you take a divot, replace it carefully.

Avoid taking divots when you take a practice swing.


In a bunker

Do not jump into the bunker. Enter and leave the bunker at the lowest point.

Before leaving a bunker, rake the sand to smooth any footprints you may have left. If necessary, smooth over any footprints left by others.

If another player’s ball lands in one of your footprints in a bunker, there is no rule under which they can move the ball without incurring a penalty and the player will therefore be severely penalised because of you.

After smoothing out any footprints, place the rake outside the bunker.


On the green

Do not put your bag or trolley on the green in any circumstances.

If you ball has pitched onto the green, look for the pitch mark and repair it using a pitchfork.

Do not damage the green with your shoes, for instance by dragging your feet.

Do not walk on the line of another player’s putt.

Do not stand too close to another player while they are putting.

The putter should not be used to remove a ball from the hole.

Do not lean on your putter when on the putting green.

Take care when handling the flagstick and do not throw it down; replace it properly in the hole.



Respect the Club’s rules concerning trolleys.

Trolleys should in no case be taken over the fringe of the green between the bunkers and the putting green.

Do not pull your trolley over the green.

Course condition
18 Trous
6 Trous
Greens d'hiver
Aération des greens
Placement de balle
Thank you for using the dropping zones in front of the bunkers under repair.


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